Thursday, January 27, 2011

You got me lost like Nemo

Ok so Eric left for work Tuesday and I'm feeling much like a debbie-downer. I miss the constant of always having someone to talk to.. I mean I always have Chico but believe it or not, he's not much for conversation. I've just been hanging with my good friend, Sir Lost. Do you know him too? He's terrific at kicking you when you're down. He thrives off embellishing your alone-ness; making you feel like you're the only living person for miles and miles, and the folks that are around, well they'd rather stick pins through their eyes than hang with you and your horomones. 

I'm making an executive decision. It's time to kick Lostie to the curb with the other joy-sucking, not-fun, bring-me-down people in my life. Something tells me he'll get along much better with them, anyway. So get lost, Lostie! Next time blah-dom sets in, I'm turning to my real friends. And by "real friends" I of course mean Ben and Jerry. No seriously, I thank my lucky stars that I have some amazingly wonderful women in my life who have taught me the real meaning of friendship. And I feel sorry for those other girls who have yet to learn the lesson. As it turns out, sincere friends are way more fun to play with than mean girls any day. If you're not going to take it from me, at least take it from Lindsay (Lohan, of course).

Oh, and to all the girls that hangout at Teardrop. Don't drink the water, its tainted and you WILL get pregnant... and die.

So, since we're on the subject and all, let's talk about how pregnancy isn't at all what I expected. Actually, I'm not sure what I thought it would be like, but no one ever told me how one day I would be walking around all normal, and the next day I would lose total control of my body for the next 10 months. Isn't pregnancy supposed to be rainbows and magic and puppies and whatever?

Okay,  so lets start with the symptoms.. I've had morning sickness.. and afternoon sickness and evening sickness as well. Rolling waves of nausea come and go. I've thrown up in public restrooms, my car, outside, my hands, plastic bags, paper bags.. just about any container in general. TMI? I can't think about certain things withough gagging and PLEASE capone, do not breathe on me with your doggy breath. Where are the rainbows?

So, we've made it past the first trimester. I don't even know why I just said "we" it seems like i'm doing all the work in this pregnancy. Oh wait, I am. Me and Jesus need to have a serious talk. I mean WTF? I should get off this subject. NEXT. So, my second trimester has rolled around. I'm not yet wearing maternity clothes(thank god). I pretty much LOVE that. I've seen maternity clothes and there all FUGLY. Seriously, maternity designers isn't it bad enough that our stomach, boobs, and various other parts are changing shape and getting larger by the second- please don't make me wear ugly-ass prints and unflattering necklines. Where are the puppies?

We find out Feb. 21 the sex of our baby, and are looking forward to it. This mystery is killing me.. I think it's a girl. I have dreams its a girl. but is it really a girl? In other wedding news, while not quite finished yet, our wedding website is up. We have yet to set a date, i'm waiting for him to get me his schedule for offshore.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The greatest love story ever told.. is your own.

Let me do the honors of catching you up on my life. To all of humanity that does not know yet, Eric Andrew Slaydon and I are engaged..
To anyone who could'nt really care to hear, don't read further.

If you think about it, getting engaged, nothing is really different about your relationship, is there? On a technicality, we're still dating.. right? I still check the "Single" box when filling out forms.

But then again, e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g's different.

Talk about the future, well, isn't actually "just talk"; it's plans waiting to happen. You continue to check that "Single" box; but every time it gets a tick, is just another time you get further away from "Single" and closer to the "Married". Unlike any other box in marital status' whether it be "Married", "Divorced" or "Widowed" - the  "Single" box is the only box you can never ever go back to. You can go from married to divorced or widowed , and then back again to married - rinse, rewind, repeat. It just kinda shows you how significant getting married really is and how important it is to find the right person to get married to when it comes to the whole scheme of things.

You never really expect your life to turn out the way that it has. It really does seem like yesturday, being a little girl and still believing in santa clause. You find yourself constantly asking "where did the time go?" with no apparent answer. I guess the only real question that matters is "Are you happy?" YES! What's not to love? I have an amazing fiance, yeah, he's literally amazing.

Got my GORGEOUS ring back today after being sized down 3 sizes! I have such tiny hands, and this ring, this ring just makes them look even tinier.


Monday, January 10, 2011

Even in rain, she is sun.

So every year I dream of starting the New Year with a bang! Wide awake! Go go, gadget refresh! Bright-eyed and bushy tailed! Ready to rock! Etc! .... and yet these last couple of days I've felt completely the opposite - sleepy and draggy and barely coherent, pajamas for days with little contact to the outside world. My worst symptom of this pregnancy... dog-tired.

13 weeks and counting.

"the two of us we dream like one. the two
of us, the two of us...the two of us take breath
like one. the two of us, the two of us"

I've grown tired of this cold. I live in the south for a reason, to be basking in the rays of sunshine. This year will be a tad different. No more itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini because this year my immobile mass and mournful groans will resemble that of a beached whale.

Things on my TO-DO list:

* Find a house.
*Ultrasound for the babys sex.
*Buy a baby name book.
*Learn how to cook something
(something that doesn't require the microwave)

I'd like to start learning how to cook, for some reason Eric thinks im a little under-educated in this department. Apparently Macaroni and Cheese isnt acceptable. Really? It's going to be tough coming home and not already having a home-cooked meal prepared and ready for me to shovel in my mouth. I guess the saying rings true you don't know what you have till its gone. Hopefully in the next coming months I will be the next Rachel Ray, Emeril Lagasse BAM! Hush-yo-mouth cookin' as my dad would put it.

"You really liked my cookies, eh?"

"Not really. I sure do like like you, though..."

Sunday, January 9, 2011

When you think of happiness I hope you think of me.

Its been nearly three months since I first found out I was pregnant. My first response? Hysteria would be an understatement. Falling fast, the feeling of overwhelming confusion and shock. The fear of responsibility. Fear of time. Fear of change. When I found out I was pregnant I luckily had a friend to give me advice. Someone who had been in my shoes at one point in time. Someone who understood exactly what I was going through.

When I first found out I was pregnant I couldn't say so aloud for weeks. I choked on my words and swallowed air in their place. "I am pregnant." Me, pregnant. There is something alive in my body and one day it will have a name. Holy Shit! How is it possible? The first few days are the hardest. The most confusing. Like in a dream. Pregnancy so far is the most amazing physical experience of my life. I can honestly say I don't know what I would have done without Eric. He makes everything thats wrong, just seem so right. He is a good man, and I'm so greatful to have him in my life.

 Twenty-seven weeks from now I will look into the eyes of something that was apart of me, is apart of me. A gift, a suprise, a beginning and once again.. Im sure i'll be speechless. Most definitely my life has changed directions and the compass is all out of wack. Most definitely I know that I will find my way...