Saturday, July 21, 2012

Life as an Oilfield wife

Since we first started dating Eric works two weeks on the rig, two weeks off. This means for two weeks I'm on my own with Liam and the household. As always, cleaning around the house is much lighter but I always miss him when he's gone. I have eerie nighmares everytime he leaves that someone is in the house wanting to kill me. The worst nightmares are when said "someone" takes liam out of his crib in the middle of the night. It's inevitable for me to cry the day he leaves because I know I'm gonna spend the next two weeks longing for them to elapse. This is not the way you should live your life, counting down the days but I do and I know a lot of women out there who do the same. Even though I get lonely and all I want to do is have a conversation with MY husband, I realize how much harder it is on him. Working 90 hours a week on a rig with 50 men he misses out on holidays, get togethers and time with his son and wife. It's ineludible for him to miss important milestones in Liams life. So I can't complain about how lonely it can get or that I get a little scared because Its tenfold on his end. The upside, I probably see my husband more then the average household. Most guys work 12 hour days 5-7 days a week. So as hard as it can be waiting around ..Eric is deffinately worth the wait. A lot of girls always say to me "I wish my husband/boyfriend would go offshore" I don't know if its the money or the time away from their significant other that makes them want to go offshore but it's hard, atleast for me, to be away from my best friend for an extended period of time. This is why I went from having a full time job, to a part-time position. I just asked myself "is it really worth it to spend more time away from eric?"  and to me, HELL NO!

                                                     My hardworking man, 3 more days!