Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fat Tuesday

After "8" Hours of community service at the Picayune-ASPCA, I'm pretty sure they are in dire need of donations. I know what you're thinking, why golly what must you have possibly done to get 8 hrs of community service. Well being the awesome person that I am, I recieved a ticket during my 09' Spring Break and "forgot" to pay it. Ok, enough about me being hardcore with the law. Seriously, someone donate some cash and make it rain on those poor bastards (and by bastards I mean the animals, of course). There was even, not one but two dogs that were returned from their adopted family. How the hell are you going to return an animal that needs a home? ahh who am I to talk, Chico is about to be on a one way trip to the pound if he doesn't stop marking his territory on my shoes.

In pregnancy news- the barfies are gone, completely. Hur-ray. Oh yeah, and did I mention I only had to do four of the eight community service hours because the lady felt sorry for me? Oh, the perks of being pregnant. On the downside, my feet hurt and I want a doughnut.

Gas prices on the road- $3.29 Unleaded, Hotel room in Picayune- $129.95+T, Getting rained on during Mardi Gras- Priceless. :)

1 comment:

  1. haha I love your comment about Chico...you would never give him up though. Until he bites your baby!!! Your going to walk in the nursery one day and Liam is going to be missing limbs, or he will be peed on. What you going to do then?
