Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The joys of motherhood

Well well, It sure has been a long time since I've blogged. I actually almost forgot what password I used for this site. Liam really does take up a-lot of my time, but I've mostly neglected the blog out of pure laziness. I know I know, shame on me. moving on..

My poor guy hasn't been feeling well. Snuffles and a cough. He is also teething which intensifies things. I've been hoping vicks vapor would help but no luck so far.  I have also been surprised at how much this kid learns every week and how much he is growing. Any mom can tell you that. I'm never more happy then when this boy looks at me with those big blue eyes and gives me his biggest smile. He completely changed my life and I wouldn't have it any other way. Well, I might add a little sleep into my schedule but its worth it.BTW: Liam is now and has been sleeping in his own crib, in his own room fora while now.

One thing they don't tell you about motherhood is how many different varieties of bodily fluid you are guaranteed to have on you at any given time. I'm currently sporting spit up in my hair right now. I really cannot wait to get home from work so I can take a shower. All day I've been like what the hell is that smell?..oh me. That's just my hair.. awesome. And there's nothing like walking into a store and looking down at your shirt and thinking "holy crud what is that?... what the F is that!?..." 
But then you just inevitably realize, 
oh shit that's pee or 
oh shit, that's snot or 
the worst one, oh shit, that's shit.