Friday, May 27, 2011

Me VS Pregnancy

Pregnancy 2 - Me 0

Today, I found out I failed my 3 hour Glucose test. Which all in all means pregnancy hates me. Seriously, I have of course Gestational Diabetes. Diabetes only found in pregnant women.. only 2-10% of women have it. (I'm one of the lucky ones!) Although woman that are obese, older moms-to-be and Non white women are more at risk. I don’t fit any of these risk categories. But that just goes to show it could happen to anyone and of course it would happen to me. yay.
If I don’t get my glucose levels down through diet, exercise and possible medication, the extra glucose in my bloodstream will be passed through Liam’s placenta and cause his tiny little pancreas to start producing extra insulin to combat what I’m giving him! The production of this extra insulin will cause him to grow too big, causing complications during child birth. Enter another yay. I just found out today that I had this so of course I did what any young woman would do, scour the internet for information on gestational diabetes and scare myself silly! Have I mentioned how much I HATE being pregnant? I will not look back on these past couple of months and laugh at all the good times.. ha ha ha.. Because there aren't any. I will not miss being this big. I can barely walk through the grocery store.. today was the first time I've shopped in WEEKS! Do you know what this does to a girl? Yes, it kills me just a little bit inside. Eric is so kind to walk sooooo slow with me.. and carry EVERYTHING. We bought so much stuff for Liam today there wasn't any more room in the car. Guess it's time to upgrade to the Infiniti G :) right Eric?

1 comment:

  1. haha you and I are the same. I felt the same exact way! I HATED being pregnant and I still look back on it and do not look forward to it. Everyone says you will forget...I however have not! I still remember just never having a desire to leave the house anymore because it was too hard to get in and out of the car! And I still remember the pain of labor and how much I went through only for them in the end to give me a c section. And I am still recovering from that! My incision still feels like its going to rip open every day and I still have trouble going to the bathroom and its been 3 weeks! Which is normal but still! Anyways I write all this to say that it is okay that you hate being pregnant but you will love it when Liam is here!! I remember having horrible so bad I had a jumbo size tub of Tums next to my bed. I ate them like candy! The day I had Ainsley the heart burn just magically disappeared! Its crazy how it just goes away. I have not had it since! Anyways you dont have much more longer. And Im sorry you have diabetes that sucks!!! Just try to do everything possbile to make sure he doesnt get huge like Ainsley did.
