Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Green-Eyed Monster.

It's always the same.. neighbors, friends, strangers.. a random parent at a playground. "OH! He's adorable!"- She says, "How old?" This is when my heart sinks in my chest, because I know exactly where this conversation is going.. "Seventeen Months" I say.. as Liam slaps his way across the floor. Her eyebrows raise, "Hmm..Still not walking?".
 "Nope, not yet." I reply as I think to myself a thousand different scenarios for a polite exit. I can see the astonishment sweep across her face  "wow, betty sue started at just 9 months!.. " I already knew this would turn into a contest. "Have you taken him to the doctor? Have you tried to bribe him? Have you tried different shoes?(that was a good one) Have you tried walking him everywhere? Have you tried Early Intervention? Do you think something could be wrong?!"

If I have to answer any of these questions for you, I obviously do not know you.. and you certainly don't know my child.You haven't seen him long enough to know that yes, he does walk. He took his first steps at 13 months. He will stand in the middle of the room and walk across like nothing. Will he walk everywhere? No. He doesn't. Why? How the hell should I know?.. You can ask him but he'll probably just start babbling about his piggy because he's just a baby and that's what babies do. I know Liam is fine and will walk independently when HE wants to but all it takes is that one raised eyebrow and turned up nose to send me spiraling.

Don't get me confused, I love hearing about your childrens achievements.. I like getting advice from other parents.. I LOVE watching my friends childrens grow and play..but do not gloat, do not boast and do not envy, because Liam may be fine, but what if he wasn't? Would you gloat to a mom of a baby with down syndrome, autism, aspergers or any other underlying condition? If this makes you feel good inside, I feel very sad and sorry for you.. because there are much more important issues in this world then gossiping about other babies developmental milestones. Now im going to end this rant, because the sooner I do the sooner I can go chase around my SEVENTEEN month old baby.. even if it is on all fours.

"But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice." James 3:14-16

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