Thursday, January 20, 2011

The greatest love story ever told.. is your own.

Let me do the honors of catching you up on my life. To all of humanity that does not know yet, Eric Andrew Slaydon and I are engaged..
To anyone who could'nt really care to hear, don't read further.

If you think about it, getting engaged, nothing is really different about your relationship, is there? On a technicality, we're still dating.. right? I still check the "Single" box when filling out forms.

But then again, e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g's different.

Talk about the future, well, isn't actually "just talk"; it's plans waiting to happen. You continue to check that "Single" box; but every time it gets a tick, is just another time you get further away from "Single" and closer to the "Married". Unlike any other box in marital status' whether it be "Married", "Divorced" or "Widowed" - the  "Single" box is the only box you can never ever go back to. You can go from married to divorced or widowed , and then back again to married - rinse, rewind, repeat. It just kinda shows you how significant getting married really is and how important it is to find the right person to get married to when it comes to the whole scheme of things.

You never really expect your life to turn out the way that it has. It really does seem like yesturday, being a little girl and still believing in santa clause. You find yourself constantly asking "where did the time go?" with no apparent answer. I guess the only real question that matters is "Are you happy?" YES! What's not to love? I have an amazing fiance, yeah, he's literally amazing.

Got my GORGEOUS ring back today after being sized down 3 sizes! I have such tiny hands, and this ring, this ring just makes them look even tinier.


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