Thursday, January 27, 2011

You got me lost like Nemo

Ok so Eric left for work Tuesday and I'm feeling much like a debbie-downer. I miss the constant of always having someone to talk to.. I mean I always have Chico but believe it or not, he's not much for conversation. I've just been hanging with my good friend, Sir Lost. Do you know him too? He's terrific at kicking you when you're down. He thrives off embellishing your alone-ness; making you feel like you're the only living person for miles and miles, and the folks that are around, well they'd rather stick pins through their eyes than hang with you and your horomones. 

I'm making an executive decision. It's time to kick Lostie to the curb with the other joy-sucking, not-fun, bring-me-down people in my life. Something tells me he'll get along much better with them, anyway. So get lost, Lostie! Next time blah-dom sets in, I'm turning to my real friends. And by "real friends" I of course mean Ben and Jerry. No seriously, I thank my lucky stars that I have some amazingly wonderful women in my life who have taught me the real meaning of friendship. And I feel sorry for those other girls who have yet to learn the lesson. As it turns out, sincere friends are way more fun to play with than mean girls any day. If you're not going to take it from me, at least take it from Lindsay (Lohan, of course).

Oh, and to all the girls that hangout at Teardrop. Don't drink the water, its tainted and you WILL get pregnant... and die.

So, since we're on the subject and all, let's talk about how pregnancy isn't at all what I expected. Actually, I'm not sure what I thought it would be like, but no one ever told me how one day I would be walking around all normal, and the next day I would lose total control of my body for the next 10 months. Isn't pregnancy supposed to be rainbows and magic and puppies and whatever?

Okay,  so lets start with the symptoms.. I've had morning sickness.. and afternoon sickness and evening sickness as well. Rolling waves of nausea come and go. I've thrown up in public restrooms, my car, outside, my hands, plastic bags, paper bags.. just about any container in general. TMI? I can't think about certain things withough gagging and PLEASE capone, do not breathe on me with your doggy breath. Where are the rainbows?

So, we've made it past the first trimester. I don't even know why I just said "we" it seems like i'm doing all the work in this pregnancy. Oh wait, I am. Me and Jesus need to have a serious talk. I mean WTF? I should get off this subject. NEXT. So, my second trimester has rolled around. I'm not yet wearing maternity clothes(thank god). I pretty much LOVE that. I've seen maternity clothes and there all FUGLY. Seriously, maternity designers isn't it bad enough that our stomach, boobs, and various other parts are changing shape and getting larger by the second- please don't make me wear ugly-ass prints and unflattering necklines. Where are the puppies?

We find out Feb. 21 the sex of our baby, and are looking forward to it. This mystery is killing me.. I think it's a girl. I have dreams its a girl. but is it really a girl? In other wedding news, while not quite finished yet, our wedding website is up. We have yet to set a date, i'm waiting for him to get me his schedule for offshore.

1 comment:

  1. oooh Love the website! :) Hey you should go to and make a website for you baby. Well I guess it will be easier to make one if you know what it is. But its a good way to put up your registries and all. I made one for Ainsley. AND not ALL maternity clothes are bad!! The cuter ones are just more expenisive, like you can get some cute designer stuff from Pea in a Pod. And you will thank the Lord when you get done with the Nausea! Like now my feet are swollen and my back hurts a lot, and she kicks me in my bladder and it hurts, but I would gladly take it over that first trimester!
