Sunday, January 9, 2011

When you think of happiness I hope you think of me.

Its been nearly three months since I first found out I was pregnant. My first response? Hysteria would be an understatement. Falling fast, the feeling of overwhelming confusion and shock. The fear of responsibility. Fear of time. Fear of change. When I found out I was pregnant I luckily had a friend to give me advice. Someone who had been in my shoes at one point in time. Someone who understood exactly what I was going through.

When I first found out I was pregnant I couldn't say so aloud for weeks. I choked on my words and swallowed air in their place. "I am pregnant." Me, pregnant. There is something alive in my body and one day it will have a name. Holy Shit! How is it possible? The first few days are the hardest. The most confusing. Like in a dream. Pregnancy so far is the most amazing physical experience of my life. I can honestly say I don't know what I would have done without Eric. He makes everything thats wrong, just seem so right. He is a good man, and I'm so greatful to have him in my life.

 Twenty-seven weeks from now I will look into the eyes of something that was apart of me, is apart of me. A gift, a suprise, a beginning and once again.. Im sure i'll be speechless. Most definitely my life has changed directions and the compass is all out of wack. Most definitely I know that I will find my way...

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