Monday, January 10, 2011

Even in rain, she is sun.

So every year I dream of starting the New Year with a bang! Wide awake! Go go, gadget refresh! Bright-eyed and bushy tailed! Ready to rock! Etc! .... and yet these last couple of days I've felt completely the opposite - sleepy and draggy and barely coherent, pajamas for days with little contact to the outside world. My worst symptom of this pregnancy... dog-tired.

13 weeks and counting.

"the two of us we dream like one. the two
of us, the two of us...the two of us take breath
like one. the two of us, the two of us"

I've grown tired of this cold. I live in the south for a reason, to be basking in the rays of sunshine. This year will be a tad different. No more itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini because this year my immobile mass and mournful groans will resemble that of a beached whale.

Things on my TO-DO list:

* Find a house.
*Ultrasound for the babys sex.
*Buy a baby name book.
*Learn how to cook something
(something that doesn't require the microwave)

I'd like to start learning how to cook, for some reason Eric thinks im a little under-educated in this department. Apparently Macaroni and Cheese isnt acceptable. Really? It's going to be tough coming home and not already having a home-cooked meal prepared and ready for me to shovel in my mouth. I guess the saying rings true you don't know what you have till its gone. Hopefully in the next coming months I will be the next Rachel Ray, Emeril Lagasse BAM! Hush-yo-mouth cookin' as my dad would put it.

"You really liked my cookies, eh?"

"Not really. I sure do like like you, though..."

1 comment:

  1. second trimester you will have more energy, but now i have hit the third and BAM! back to dog tired and back hurts AND I pee on myself...haha ask mom about this haha. Oh and I have some wonderful recipes that grandma and amy and becky gave me. Amy gave me a recipe for some gumbo that I made the other day and it was really good. Not hard to make either. when do you find out the sex?
